Updated ‘kerguelen’ topo to revised version (2019).
Function readfastice()
now defaults to the 2020 updated circumpolar files.
Now importing fasticefiles()
from raadfiles.
Align to updated raadfiles ( for new OISST file paths.
readamps_d1wind() now correctly read the right bands. New function readamps_d2wind() to read the d2 grid.
Bit of a clean up around AMPS and Copernicus documentation.
New function read_cersat_ice()
for 12.5 km SSM/I.
New function read_geoid()
to read geoid.
New function read_sose()
to read SOSE Southern Ocean State Estimate layers by level and date, no capacity for xylim or multiple dates (only monthly for now). Explore available variables with sose_monthly_varnames()
and available files with ‘raadfiles::sose_monthly_files()’.
Add SMAP functions salfiles()
and readsal()
for surface salinity.
Fixed longstanding bugs in several functions that treated latest = TRUE
as an override of the date argument. The latest argument now only applies if date is missing. Thanks to @maierhofert
Add GEBCO 2019 “gebco_19” topography.
is now parallelized with furrr, and includes a grid specification argument
and distance_to_ice_edge()
now include the date on the output and are strictly not vectorized.
new function readfsle.
Removed dependency on ‘sosoc/croc’ package, by internalizing the imported functions.
Now using new raadfiles
New function to return polar coastline with ‘polar_map’ function.
First parts of REMA data now available from readtopo
, with “rema_8m”, “rema_100m” and read_rema_tiles
(the 8m index).
AMPS data now supports basic access for 10km “d2” files, with amps_d1files
moved to raadfiles.
Fixed the grid specification for d1 AMPS (and added d2).
New topo option “ga_srtm” for the Australian 1-second DEM (~30m), file available only on nectar for now.
New readice_area
function for “NSIDC SMMR-SSM/I Nasateam sea ice concentration”.
Topography readtopo
and topofile
gain topo = "ramp"
option for Radarsat Antarctic digital elevation model V2, elevations relative to the the OSU91a geoid.
Topography functions readtopo
and topofile
now support topo = 'ibcso_is'
and topo = 'ibcso_bed'
for the ice surface and bedrock versions respectively. The default ‘ibcso’ remains synonomous with ‘ibcso_is’.
“cryosat2” and “lake_superior” added to readtopo
establish readice_daily and readice_monthly model for future separation
re-instated monthly NSIDC north and south hemisphere
now use raadfiles for AMPS
returns, now providing MODISA/SeaWiFS at native mapped resolution for a given set of input dates (the mean is calculated from the daily L3 bins) for either ‘nasa’ or ‘johnson’ algorithm
removed prod files
read rapid response is not fixable in place, but now uses the raadfiles-like approach
read functions now default to latest = TRUE
rather than returning the first available time
and sshfiles
are now only daily, using the Copernicus sources
new function read_amsr_ice
to read the 6.25km southern hemisphere product
readcurr/currentsfiles now uses new Copernicus source
readice/icefiles now limited to daily NSIDC and using raadfiles
readsst/sstfiles now uses raadfiles mechanism
import from raadfiles for NCEP2 wind 6hourly files, removed the daily option for now
now import from raadfiles for NSIDC monthly files, fixes bug
modified AMSR-E Artist sea ice data location as per
new Copernicus source for altimetry products from provided by new functions read_ugosa_daily
, read_ugos_daily
, read_sla_daily
, read_vgos_daily
, read_vgosa_daily
, read_err_daily
speed up for extract(function, xyt)
a sensible value (4e9) for raster maxmemory is set on startup which means that fewer temp files will be created unnecessarily
extract(fun, xyt)
now more efficient
now imports orsifronts rather than using old bespoke copies
startup is now much more robust
raadtools now imports raadfiles, for OISST and GHRSST files
and c. now works without attaching the package
ghrsst gains inputfiles, and is now useably fast for track extraction
AMSR2 is back (per readice(product = “amsr”)) and the file listing now relies on RSQLite via dplyr and is quite a bit faster
change approach for readsst, to err on side of memory use
add distance to ice function
add metadata for AMPS data, and new general readamps function
add extract method for trip objects
level for amps files
use inputfiles for extract, always
big speedups for wind and currents file database loading
improvements for readcurr in performance, and file handling
new function readchl32 for rolling 32-day weekly files
some improvement to the time resolution detection
extract(function, data.frame) is now tibble friendly
added AMPS data functions amps_d1files and readamps_d1wind
converted main vignette from Sweave to RMarkdown
package scaffolding