Calculate the shortest distance (metres) to a threshold sea ice contour. If in doubt use distance_to_ice_edge, the definition of the edge is not straightforward, especially so for the higher resolution products and near the coast. distance_to_ice_edge computes a single "main" edge at continental scale distance_to_ice computes all distances to any ice at threshold concentration

  threshold = 15,
  xylim = NULL,
  hemisphere = "south",
  returnfiles = FALSE,
  inputfiles = NULL,
  latest = TRUE,

  threshold = 15,
  xylim = NULL,
  hemisphere = "south",
  returnfiles = FALSE,
  inputfiles = NULL,
  latest = TRUE,



date or dates of data to read, see Details


the sea ice concentration threshold to contour at


spatial extents to crop from source data, can be anything accepted by extent


"north" or "south", default is "south"


ignore options and just return the file names and dates


input the files data base to speed up initialization


if TRUE and date input is missing, return the latest time available otherwise the earliest


passed to brick, primarily for filename


raster layer with distances to this date's sea ice edge


The distance is always positive, use readice in the usual way to determine if a location is inside or out of the ice field itself. (If inside means zero distance to ice for you then set it explicitly based on the concentration a point is in.) Future work may generalize this to other data sources.


beware that any queried location outside of this layer's range will be undetermined, and the external boundary of this layer is not constant with respect to the pole, and that in general a location may be closer to ice in the opposite hemisphere.

The argument hemisphere may be north or south (default is south), but this will only work if your locations are on the actual map, so it's not possible to request the distance to ice in both poles for any point.


plot(distance_to_ice(latest = TRUE))

plot(distance_to_ice_edge(latest = TRUE))
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'plot': could not find function "keepOnlyMostComplexLine"
a = extract(distance_to_ice, aurora[17:25, ])
extract(distance_to_ice, aurora[17:25, ], hemisphere = "south")
#> [1] 23745.89 23745.89 23745.89 23745.89 48006.72 21531.33 23499.99 23745.89
#> [9] 23745.89
# library(trip)
# extract(distance_to_ice_edge, walrus818[seq(50, 400, by = 20), ], hemisphere = "north")