Data frame of all available fast ice files.


data frame


A data frame with file, date, fullname

Note that this product changed from the legacy 2000-2008 initial East Antarctic product "binary_fast_ice" to the circumpolar update "circum_fast_ice" 2000-2018 in Feburary 2021.

If you want the old files, use `product = "binary_fast_ice"`, but it's safe to assume the default product supersedes the old one.

The initial product was in Cylindrical Equal Area projection, while the circumpolar product uses the NSIDC-compatible polar stereographic (but with an unspecified extent, though implicit in the longitude and latitude arrays of the NetCDF files).

Exists in '' (Feb 2021).


Fraser, A. D., Massom, R. A., Ohshima, K. I., Willmes, S., Kappes, P. J., Cartwright, J., and Porter-Smith, R.: High-resolution mapping of circum-Antarctic landfast sea ice distribution, 2000–2018, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 2987–2999,, 2020.

[Fraser et al. 2018](