Read meridional and zonal components of surface currents (m/s) from altimetry products. Input
is optional, with date
and xylim
. As with the grid reading functions read_ugos_daily and read_vgos_daily
this by default will return the latest data available and for the entire world.
xylim = NULL,
xy = TRUE,
cell = FALSE,
na.rm = TRUE,
latest = TRUE,
res = NULL
dates to read
extent of data to read
arguments passed to read functions (only lon180
include coordinates of cell in the output, TRUE
by default
include cell index in the output, FALSE
by default
by default missing values are removed, set to FALSE
to keep all
data frame of u, v, x,y (longitude,latitude), cell, and date
Please note that the coordinates are in longitude latitude, but the velocity components are in m/s. You cannot meaningfully transform the x,y coordinates and use the velocity components without taking into account rotation in the transformation (we might write some helpers for this ...).
Argument lon180
may be used to specify Pacific or Atlantic orientation.
uv <- table_uvgos("2001-01-01", xylim = extent(60, 120, -60, -10))
plot(range(uv$x), range(uv$y), type = "n", asp = 1.1)
scal <- function(x) (x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))/diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
nn <- 56
arrows(uv$x, uv$y, uv$x + uv$u, uv$y + uv$v, col = grey.colors(nn)[scal(sqrt(uv$u^2 + uv$v^2)) * (nn-1) + 1], length = 0)