Sea surface height/anomaly
time.resolution = c("daily"),
xylim = NULL,
lon180 = TRUE,
ssha = FALSE,
latest = TRUE,
returnfiles = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
inputfiles = NULL
date or dates of data to read, see Details
time resolution to read
spatial extents to crop from source data, can be anything accepted by extent
, see Details
defaults to TRUE, to "rotate" Pacific view 0, 360 data to Atlantic view -180, 180 components, in degrees (0 north, 90 east, 180 south, 270 west)
logical, to optionally return anomaly or height
if TRUE and date input is missing return the latest time available, otherwise the earliest
ignore options and just return the file names and dates
print messages on progress etc.
passed to brick, primarily for filename
input the files data base to speed up initialization