Derived sea ice data is read from files managed by derivicefiles
date or dates of data to read, see Details
time resoution data to read, daily or monthly
choice of sea ice product, see Details
spatial extents to crop from source data, can be anything accepted by extent
if TRUE and date input missing, return the latest time available, otherwise the earliest
ignore options and just return the file names and dates
passed to brick, primarily for filename
input the file set to avoid rescanning that (for extract point-in-time)
Currently available products are
Dates are matched to file names by finding the nearest match in
time within a short duration. If date
is greater than
length 1 then the sorted set of unique matches is returned.
32767 (treated as missing data)
32766 = land
32765 = open-ocean zone
-32768 = ice that hasn't melted during the data period
In terms of missing data 32767, in the nc file, so should be NA once read into R): these are either open water in the sea ice zone that hasn't re-frozen during the data period, or missing sea ice data that couldn't be interpolated.
for details on the repository of
data files, raster
for the return value