A movement kernel is meant to summarise the movement of biomass across polygon-shaped areas in the ocean. It is estimated using a 4-th order Runge-Kutta particle tracking algorithm, which records the moves of passive numerical drifters from polygon to polygon.

particle.tracking(arena, num_particles, no_move_window = 1000,
  end_t_counter = NULL, t_step = NULL, diffusion = 0,
  no_age_classes = "FD", min_nac = 100, max_nac = 500, delta = NULL,
  graphics = FALSE, log = FALSE, from_boundary = TRUE)



An object of class arena, see details.


The number of particles used for the estimation.


Number of time steps in which no move between polygons has to occur in order for the particle tracking to stop. Use 0 to disable.


The maximal number of time steps used in the Runge-Kutta scheme. Has to be specified if log==TRUE.


The time step used in the Runge-Kutta scheme. See details for the default value.


A diffusion coefficient, see details.


The number of age classes used in the movement kernel, takes Sturges, FD, scott or an integer number. See details.


The minimum number of age classes.


The maximum number of age classes.


The width of an age class used in the movement kernel, chosen automatically if NULL.


If TRUE, the remaining particles at the end of the Runge-Kutta simulation are shown.


If TRUE, the path of the particles is saved to a global variable 'log' and displayed if graphics==TRUE. Only use for a small number of particles!


If TRUE, particles are inserted from the boundary, otherwise they are uniformly distributed over the domain. This might be advantageous for plotting purposes if log=TRUE.


An object of class movement\_kernel, which is a list of the following items:


A list of the movement tensors for each polygon, where P[[poly]][i,j,k] describes the probability of a particle leaving polygon poly towards polygon j in the case that it entered from polygon i and is in age class k.


A list containing the neighbours for each polygon. This is used to translate between the local neighbourhood numbers (used in P) to the global numbers of the polygons.


The number of age classes used in the movement kernel.


Width of the age classes used in the movement kernel.


The two main bits of work in this function, the Runge-Kutta simulation and the estimation of the movement\_ kernel, have been implemented in the C dlls particle\_tracking and estimate\_P. Even so, the runtime of this function can be quite high when using large numbers of particles and/or a large domain. It is important to note that in the present form, particles can get caught in 'voids' in the flow field, i.e. in places where their velocity is 0. If this happens for too many particles the estimation should be repeated with a higher values of diffusion. A warnings message is given at the end of the simulation, indicating the number of particles left in the domain.

There is considerable space for improvement in replacing the fixed time step Runge-Kutta scheme with a more sophisticated numerical integrator. However, this requires some fiddling with the underlying C functions and has not been tried yet.

An arena object describes the arena in which the function is to be used. It is a list containing elements lat, lon, U, V and S (in that order), where lat and lon are vectors storing the latitude and longitude values of the grid points used, U and V are matrices with the corresponding flow velocities in west-east and south-north direction, and S is a matrix in which each grid points has an integer number, either giving the polygon it belongs to (if > 0) or stating that this grid point lies on land (if == 0).

The default values for the time step in the Runge-Kutta scheme is choosen in such a way that a particle will on average move for 1/10 of the distance between two grid points in each time step. Although a variable time step would be preferable, this yields an accurate estimation in most cases.

Diffusion is included by adding the product of a normal random number and the mean velocity in the either direction to the calculated velocity in that direction. The diffusion coefficient gives the standard variation of the normal random number. Diffusion is needed to get particles out of 'voids', i.e. places in the flow field where the adjacent velocities cancel out and the particles get stuck. It is also physically justifiable as the flow field itself characterises advective motion only.

The main loss of precision in the replication and prediction of movement stems from the management of time, which is realised as a system of 'age classes' in the movement kernel. A particle entering a polygon is in age class 1 and then moves up through the age classes. Each age class has different probabilities of movement attached to it, so that the movement of a biomass depends on the time since it entered its current polygon. Since the choice of the number of age classes and their width delta can have a profound effect, the user can choose whether to trust one of the built-in methods (Sturges, FD, scott) which are usually used to choose the number of classes in a histogram, or specificy his or her own number of age classes. The default uses the Freedman-Diaconis rule (FD), which usually produces the highest number of age-classes and therefore the best precision. Unless the performance of the function biomass\_tracking is totally unsatisfactory due to the high number of age-classes, less age-classes should not be used, as the loss of precision can be quite severe.


TODO: my report


Thorsten Lenser



arena = prepare.arena(Udata,Vdata,Sdata)

# Use more particles if realistic results are needed
mk = particle.tracking(arena,400,5000,diffusion=0.6,graphics=TRUE)

# Now estimate the biomass movement
N1 = biomass.tracking(mk,seq(0,4900,by=100),infl_poly=2)

# Get a particle tracking result to compare the above to
N2 = particle.tracking.compare(arena,400,100,50,diffusion=0.6,infl_poly=2)
#> Warning: Particles left in domain after the time for particle tracking elapsed: 
#> Warning: 33

# Compare the results

#> [1] 46.079122  1.836061