All functions |
Tools for ROMS model output. |
Antarctica simple coastline. |
Create SpatialPoints. |
Create "transport" file for Atlantis. |
Crop a ROMS layer |
Fake model data. |
| The rho-grid represents the grid centers (red dots) The u-grid represents the grid East-West sides (blue triangles) The v-grid represents the grid North-South sides (green triangles) The psi-grid represents the grid corners (purple crosses) A useable Thredds example is here |
Read the variable as is |
Boundary polygon from raster of coordinates. |
Extract coordinate arrays from ROMS. |
ROMS single slice 2D layer Extract a data layer from ROMS by name and 4-D slice. |
Coordinates at depth |
Remap an object to the ROMS grid. |
Rotate 'ROMS' vectors |