Pelagic regionalisation - WSMPA Phase 2

Ben Raymond (Australian Antarctic Division) , Yoshie Kasajima (Norwegian Polar Institute) , Gary Griffith (Norwegian Polar Institute)

working_crs <- "+proj=laea"
roi_ll <- c(0, 30, -72, -60)
temp <- raster(crs = "+proj=longlat")
extent(temp) <- roi_ll
roi <- extent(projectExtent(temp, crs = working_crs))

Some settings:

## number of clusters to produce in the non-hierarchical clustering step
num_groups_intermediate <- 200

## final number of clusters
n_groups <- 7L

## which columns are the data columns to use for the clustering
datcols <- c("ice", "sst", "depth")

## see ?clara. Use a smaller number for exploratory runs
clara_samples <- 50L


Method follows:

Prepare data layers (or load the pre-prepared file):

if (!file.exists("../data/env_stack.rds")) {

    working_template <- raster(crs = working_crs)
    extent(working_template) <- roi
    res(working_template) <- c(4e3L, 4e3L)

    ps_ice_proj <- "+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-70 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378273 +b=6356889.449 +units=m +no_defs"
    ice <- raster("/rdsi/PUBLIC/raad/data/")
    projection(ice) <- ps_ice_proj
    extent(temp) <- roi_ll + c(-2, 2, -2, 2)
    ice <- crop(ice, projectExtent(temp, crs = ps_ice_proj))
    ice <- projectRaster(ice, working_template, method = "ngb")

    sst <- raster("/rdsi/PUBLIC/raad/data/")
    sst <- crop(sst, extent(roi_ll + c(-2, 12, -2, 2)))
    sst <- projectRaster(sst, working_template, method = "ngb")

    depth <- readtopo("ibcso")
    depth <- crop(depth, extent(c(-2e5, 3e6, 1e6, 4e6)))
    depth <- projectRaster(depth, working_template, method = "ngb")
    depth[depth >= 0] <- NA_real_
    depth <- log10(-depth)

    shflux <- raster("/rdsi/PUBLIC/raad/data/")
    shflux <- crop(shflux, extent(roi_ll + c(-2, 12, -2, 2)))
    shflux <- projectRaster(shflux, working_template, method = "ngb")

    xs <- stack(ice, sst, depth, shflux)
    names(xs) <- c("ice", "sst", "depth", "shflux")
    saveRDS(xs, "../data/env_stack.rds")
} else {
    xs <- readRDS("../data/env_stack.rds")

x <-, xy = TRUE)


plot(xs, col = viridis::viridis(51))

We include surface heat flux (as an indicator of polynyas) for comparison with the sea ice layer, though heat flux isn’t used in the actual regionalisation calculations.

Mask out land and pixels outside of our region of interest:

crds <-
coordinates(crds) <- ~x + y
projection(crds) <- working_crs
crds_ll <- coordinates(spTransform(crds, CRS("+proj=longlat")))
mask <- crds_ll[, 1] >= roi_ll[1] & crds_ll[, 1] <= roi_ll[2] & crds_ll[, 2] >= roi_ll[3] & crds_ll[, 2] <= roi_ll[4] & rowSums( < 1


xraw <- x

## normalize data ranges to 0-1
for (k in datcols) {
    x[[k]] <- x[[k]] - min(x[[k]], na.rm = TRUE)
    x[[k]] <- x[[k]] / (max(x[[k]], na.rm = TRUE))

## non-hierarchical clustering step
cl <- clara(x[mask, datcols], num_groups_intermediate, metric = "manhattan", stand = FALSE, samples = clara_samples)
cluster_num <- rep(NA, nrow(x))
cluster_num[mask] <- cl$clustering

## now do a hierarchical clustering using the output of the nonhierarchical step
## first calculate mean properties of the nonhierarchical clusters
xc <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_groups_intermediate, ncol = length(datcols))
u_cluster_num <- na.omit(unique(cluster_num))
for (k in seq_along(u_cluster_num)) {
    tempidx <- which(cluster_num == u_cluster_num[k])
    xc[k, ] <- colMeans(x[tempidx, datcols])

## dissimilarities of these clusters
D <- vegdist(xc, method = "gower")
hcl <- hclust(D, method = "ave")

## now extract the desired number of groups from the dendrogram
if (floor(n_groups) == n_groups) {
    ## we specified a number of groups directly
    cn_new <- cutree(hcl, k = n_groups)
    ## work out the dissimilarity level (height) that corresponds to this number of groups
    temph <- mean(c(hcl$height[length(hcl$height) + 2 - n_groups], hcl$height[length(hcl$height) + 2 - n_groups - 1]))
} else {
    ## we specified a height at which to cut the dendrogram
    ## show on the dendrogram the height at which we are cutting
    temph <- n_groups
    cn_new <- cutree(hcl, h = n_groups)
    n_groups <- length(unique(cn_new))

cluster_num_new <- rep(NA_integer_, length(cluster_num))
for (k in seq_along(u_cluster_num)) {
    tempidx <- which(cluster_num == u_cluster_num[k])
    cluster_num_new[tempidx] <- cn_new[k]

x$cluster_num <- as.factor(cluster_num_new)



cmap <- head(c("#C7D79EFF", "#FA9864FF", "#BEFFE8FF", "#D69DBCFF", "#F7ED59FF", "#A5F57AFF", "#FF3D4AFF", "#7AB6F5FF", "#369C5DFF", "#A80084FF", "#AA66CDFF",
               "#FFAA00FF", "#7AF5CAFF", "#FFBEBEFF", "#0070FFFF", "#E9FFBEFF"), n_groups)

plot(hcl, labels = FALSE, hang = -1)
lines(c(1, num_groups_intermediate), c(temph, temph), lty = 2, col = 2)
## add markers for group labels
dorder <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hcl))
for (k in seq_len(n_groups)) {
    temp <- which(cn_new[dorder] == k)
    points(temp, rep(-0.02, length(temp)), col = cmap[k], bg = cmap[k], pch = 21, cex = 2)


## helper function to change SOmap internals to show cluster, not depth
SO2clust <- function(p) {
    p$init[[1]]$plotargs$data$Depth <- as.factor(p$init[[1]]$plotargs$data$Depth)
    p$init[[1]]$plotargs$data <- p$init[[1]]$plotargs$data[!$init[[1]]$plotargs$data$Depth), ]
    p$scale_fill[[1]]$plotfun <- "ggplot2::scale_fill_manual"
    p$scale_fill[[1]]$plotargs = list(values = cmap, name = "Cluster")

temp <- x[, c("x", "y", "cluster_num")]
temp <- rasterFromXYZ(temp[!$cluster_num), ], crs = working_crs)
p <- SOgg(SOmap_auto(temp, bathy = temp))

Coastal zoomed map

temp <- x[, c("x", "y", "cluster_num")]
temp <- rasterFromXYZ(temp[crds_ll[, 2] <= -69 & !$cluster_num), ], crs = working_crs)
p <- SOgg(SOmap_auto(temp, bathy = temp))

Environmental properties by cluster

alldatcols <- setdiff(names(x), c("x", "y", "cluster_num"))
xraw$cluster_num <- x$cluster_num
px <- tidyr::pivot_longer(xraw[!$cluster_num), ], cols = alldatcols, names_to = "variable")

ggplot(px, aes(x = cluster_num, y = value, group = cluster_num, fill = as.factor(cluster_num))) + geom_violin() +
    facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y") + scale_fill_manual(values = cmap, name = "Cluster") + theme_bw()

Comparison to the AWI Weddell Sea regionalisation

See Teschke et al. (2020) 10.5194/essd-12-1003-2020 and SC-CAMLR-XXXIII/BG/02.

awi_x <- shapefile("../data/Data_shapefile_raster/thematic_layer/Pelagic_regionalisation.shp")
awi_cmap <- c("#0070ff", "#ffbee8", "#5ebd00", "#ffff00", "#c1e800", "#a8a800", "#ffbf00", "#ff5500")
awi_x <- fortify(spTransform(awi_x, working_crs))
leg <- png::readPNG("./awi_key.png")
ggplot(awi_x, aes(long, lat, fill = id, group = group)) + geom_polygon() + coord_fixed() +
    scale_fill_manual(values = awi_cmap, name = "Cluster") + theme_bw() + xlim(roi[1:2]) + ylim(roi[3:4]) +
    guides(fill = FALSE) +
    annotation_raster(leg, xmin = 14e5, xmax = 20e5, ymin = -75e5, ymax = -68e5)