This function shifts the depth of an echoview region using COM scripting. Vertical size of the region and depth offset can be changed.
- EVFile
An Echoview file COM object
- regionName
a string containing the name of the Echoview region
- depthMultiply
a numeric value to multiply the vertical size of the region by
- depthAdd
a numeric value to offset the region depth by. Positive = decrease depth; Negative = increase depth
if (FALSE) {
EVAppObj <- COMCreate('EchoviewCom.EvApplication')
EVFile <- EVOpenFile(EVAppObj,'~~/KAOS/KAOStemplate.EV')$EVFile
#Double region vertical size and decrease depth by 100m
EVShiftRegionDepth(EVFile, "testregion", 2, 100)
#Triple region vertical size without changing depth offset
EVShiftRegionDepth(EVFile, "testregion", 3, 0)
#Change region depth offset by -50m without changing vertical size
EVShiftRegionDepth(EVFile, "testregion", 1, -50)